- My emotional wellbeing
- My mental health
- My physical health,
- My ability to see other perspectives
- Letting go of attachments
- Gaining freedom and joy in life
- Confidence in myself and courage to grow and expand and explore new endeavors
- A greater sense of peace within and ability to navigate upheaval in my life with greater ease – the list goes on and on.
My experience has been of a community of good people striving to be the best version of themselves, and no one demonstrates greater integrity in this than the people who are directly targeted by this highly biased article.

When it comes to how women are treated within the school, I have experienced and witnessed only RESPECT, professionalism, and holding space for women to step into their power.
The leadership of the school includes many powerful women, like Divina Theresa Bullard, Divina Franca, Divina Liza, Divina Rita Van den Berg, Divina Kate Bartram-Brown, Divina Ann Donnelly, Martina Coogan, Verla Wade, Christina Lozano and Kathleen Lanyon who inspire me to be strong and confident, to be my unique self, and step into greater leadership in my own life.
While unfortunate, it’s not uncommon for a spiritual path to be misunderstood, branded a cult or twisted in other ways. I highly recommend this article by Christina Lozano that addresses the cult accusation directly.
The results of this work and my direct experience are the foundation I stand on. I’m so grateful for this school and for the community of people I have gotten to know on this path. I have found far greater levels of freedom and peace within, and the good fruits just keep coming.