763-222-8600 [email protected]


    Using twin quartz crystals, Genevieve accesses guidance from your Guides and Beings of Light to answer questions you may have about the past, present, or future. You have the knowledge within you, but sometimes we are blind to our own stuck-points. Often this session affirms information you already know is true, but perhaps have pushed aside or haven’t fully realized. You may also receive a new perspective that can help to being clarity to a situation.

    Nothing is set in stone, as you (and everyone) has free will to make choices and take action. However, you can ask questions to gain deeper understanding and perspective that can support you on your journey. Rather than asking Yes or No questions, it’s recommended to ask questions that open up greater insight on a situation and potentialities. Example questions include:

    • What changes can I make in my (career, relationship, etc) to have greater fulfillment?
    • How can I get closure on this relationship?
    • What can I do to create a healthy romantic relationship?
    • What are my biggest strengths I can use to create a life of passion and fulfillment?
    • What can I do to spark more passion in life?

    These are just a handful of examples questions to explore themes on relationships, career, and fulfillment.  You can come to the session with your own custom list of questions.

    Question & Answer Reading - Genevieve Wachutka


    Twin crystals are two crystals that grew from the same cluster. You’ll receive on of the twin crystals and Genevieve will hold the other. They assist in connecting to your higher self and Beings of Light to bring forward information to support you at this time. The Being of each crystal “talk” to each other and facilitate the information coming through.

    • SESSION LENGTH: 30 minutes

    • INVESTMENT: $50