763-222-8600 [email protected]



This program illuminates the (often) hidden source of stress, that persistant disconnect amplifying and compounding stress threads into a large beast of chronic suffering. A perspective shift unravels the stress monster into a manageable animal, and to support the process, we introduce several stress management techniques to create a daily foundation for reduced stress in your life, and a tactical game-plan for taking on the big beasts that show up in the course of life.

Daily Stress Management Techniques:

  • Breathing & relaxation techniques
  • Meditation 101
  • Chi Exercises

Acute Stress Management Techniques:

  • Identify where you have control
  • Bring awareness to what is truly important in your life
  • Redirect and re-focus the mind through affirmations
  • Reframe and choose bite-sized pieces to deal with
  • Rational problem solving
  • Intuitive / Creative problem solving

Take on the big waves of life with greater strength and stability when you have a solid stress management foundation. 

Chronic stress over time takes a tremendous toll on our physical, emotional, and mental well being. Gaining techniques to manage the daily stressors and shift your perspective to minimize the impact of stress prevents the compounded effects of stress to come crashing down like a tidal wave. Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to be so loud. Free yourself from the noise and cultivate a solid foundation of inner peace so you can enjoy your life and find greater productivity and focus towards the things that truly matter to you.


This program can be delivered in several formats:

  • Stress Management Coaching (one-on-one sessions) 
  • Group Training Series (3 trainings of 90 minutes)
  • Stress Management Event (4 hours)