763-222-8600 [email protected]

Awaken Thyself!

Modern Mystery School - Awaken Thyself!

Discover a path of accelerated spiritual growth and healing

The ancient Mystery School tradition specializes in guiding people toward a realization of potential and accelerated spiritual growth.

We can wear a mask so long we forget that we forget and start to think we are the mask.

In this evening class, learn about sophisticated tools you can apply in your life to recognize the masks you wear and excavate more of the true self.

This path gives you effective tools to align more with your higher self, and less under the influence of the negative ego. In truly knowing ourselves we can more fully realize our purpose in life so that we may share our unique gifts and experiences with the world.

Where do these tools come from?

Studying within this authentic lineage you will find ancient tools and a wealth of spiritual wisdom passed down through an unbroken oral tradition. Throughout history these teachings have been kept hidden, preserved through a direct teacher-to-student handing down within an oral tradition. Those who have walked the path before you include many of the worlds most influential people including Leonardo Da Vinci, Carl Jung, Nicola Tesla, and Sir Isaac Newton, to name a few.

In this class you will be introduced to valuable tools to use in your own life, including:

  • A shamanic technique for connecting with your Higher Self
  • Ancient rituals for protection
  • How to create a sacred circle
  • How to call down energies for use in daily life
  • What is Initiation and how it accelerates spiritual growth
  • Where these tools come from and how they work

Pre-requisites: None