The Summer Solstice is the season of the sun! Traditionally called Litha, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. At this time we pay our respects to the Sun, and the honor the abundance and life that comes from this Light.
From this point we see the fruits of our own life that require our labor and care, to tend and nurture throughout this season of growth. We light the inner light inside, to ignite our passion, and do the work required of us to bring forth good fruit!
Come and join us for this joyous celebration, as we gather to celebrate the warmth and light of the Sun, and connect to this power and presence!
We will celebrate with:
> Ceremony
> Ritual
> Meditation
> Social Gathering & Potluck! You are welcome to bring something to share with the community.
This Solstice celebration is based on a Celtic/Druid Wicca tradition that is pure light and preserved in the old tradition of celebrating the seasons.
Pre-register: $25
Walk-in: $35