763-222-8600 [email protected]

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Genevieve Wachutka

In 2012 I came across the Path of Initiation and began a journey into the metaphysical teachings of the Modern Mystery School for healing, empowerment, and transformation.

It was a discovery that opened doors to real-life magick. This path led me to explore the inner workings of our multi-dimensional reality, and a path of healing and transformation that allowed me to stand on a stronger foundation in life, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 

In 2012 I used these tools to leave a corporate job and start my own dog walking and pet care business. This transition gave me the opportunity to bloom and learn so much about myself. My strengths, my weaknesses, doing work that was fulfilling and brought me joy. 

My journey started with the Empower Thyself program, and soon after I embarked on the 10-month Universal Kabbalah Ascension journey. I received many healing sessions and classes, and each one gave me keys or tools that I could apply in my life.

In 1 year my life transformed so dramatically, everything from my work, my relationship with family, friends, co-workers, and ultimately at the core was my relationship with myself and my relationship with God.

Up until this point I was always searching for something outside myself to make me feel better, to give me answers, to relieve the pain of life. But after 1 year of walking this path I felt more at peace, more alive, enjoying life, and more like myself than I knew was even possible.

My pet care business grew over the years, and in 2019 I sold the company as I wanted to focus my energy. Within 3 months of selling the business, we opened the Modern Mystery School – Minneapolis / St. Paul


I love being an entreprenuer where I get to be creative, plant seeds and foster their growth. I have several areas I’m actively working with:

    Self-Mastery Specialist | Professional Guide and Healer: I started on this path because I wanted to be the best version of myself, and I realized the Mystery School tools were working for me. 

    Self-mastery is a process of overcoming where we stop ourselves, all of the negative self-talk, the inertia, letting your emotions lead you in life, or your fears keeping you stuck. Or maybe you’re successful in a lot of areas but feel like there’s more. More fulfillment, purpose or meaning.

    I can help you break out of all of that.

    I share effective tools and a path that deals with the negative ego so you can get past your stuck points. 

    The power is in your hands. It’s time to get out of your own way and go where you are meant to be.

    Growth Catalyst & Founder of GW Digital Arts Marketing: For years I’ve had a passion for copywriting, web design, and graphic design. Even though I didn’t seek it out actively, I’ve been consistently doing this work since 2014. Now I’m combining this experience along additional training in strategic marketing, Google Ads, and SEO to launch a digital marketing service. 

    I love working with clients to build a marketing strategy and structure to support new growth and evolution. 


    Co-Founder of Modern Mystery School – Minneapolis / St. Paul: In 2019 Sarah Gebeke and I had the privilege of opening a Modern Mystery School center here in Minnesota. We are 1 of 4 regional centers in the USA. The MMS center is a hub for the lineage here in our local area, with many opportunities for our community.


    Business Assistant to Dr. Theresa-Bullard-Whyke: In 2018 I had the opportunity to start working with Dr. Theresa Bullard-Whyke on the Mystery Teachings series. My role has evolved over time, working with Dr. Theresa to provide support with copywriting, administrative logistics, team management, email and client communication and more. It’s been a tremendous opportunity to grow and learn by working directly with Dr. Theresa, and to support the reach of her work.

    Quantum Minds TV with Dr. Theresa
    Mystery Teachings with Dr. Theresa

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