763-222-8600 [email protected]

Activate potential


Experience DNA Activation to open the door for new possibilities and growth.

The Life Activation creates a foundation for new growth and healing. This session activates the divine blueprint within your spiritual DNA, setting in motion key energies for personal empowerment and self-awareness.

Consistent themes resulting from this session include:

  • Greater physical energy & physical healing
  • Less worry and anxiety
  • Increased hope and ability to see a path forward
  • Breaking through personal blocks and negative patterns
  • Increased intuition and connection to self
  • More balanced energies and new opportunities in alignment with your divine essence
What is a session like?

The Life Activation session is typically both relaxing and energizing at the same time. We’ll begin with a brief consultation to check-in and answer any questions you have before we begin.

During the session you will be guided to sit or stand as Genevieve works within your energy field. The session begins with energy balancing to bring your whole structure into greater alignment and balance, working with the elemental, magnetic, etheric and chakra energies within the energy field. 

The DNA activation takes place within your etheric energy field at the back of your head, neck, and upper back. Filling these points with light, the process is like turning on a switch within the DNA to awaken the blueprint for who you are as a divine being and assist you to embody more of your spiritual essence.​

The final part of the session is a reading, sharing information to support you at this point in your life. 

During this process light flows through your central core and throughout your whole energy field. Clients typically report feeling lighter, more relaxed, inspired to take action, less stressed, and more optimistic about the future.

This session helps to plant seeds of hope, and fertile ground for positive growth in your life. 

Session length: 90 minutes
Investment: $250

Where does the Life Activation come from?

The Life Activation session comes from the lineage of King Salomon, a lineage of spiritual wisdom and tools that have been handed down from teacher to student for over 3000 years. 

This lineage is stewarded in recent years by the Modern Mystery School. Genevieve is a trained Life Activation practitioner since 2013, with continuing education to serve as a professional Guide and Healer within a tradition committed to maintaining the highest caliber and integrity for spiritual tools and training. 

What can I do to prepare for the Life Activation?

While there are no required preparations, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of this session:

  1. Decide you are ready for change and be ready to take action in a new way. It is true that “all healing is self-healing”, so while Genevieve can facilitate a container that supports you in this process, it is up to your desire and willingness to take the light and do something with it in your life. 
  2. Avoid alcohol or recreational drug use before and after the session for at least 24 hrs – these substances affect our energy structure and interfere with the frequency and vibration of your energy structure. To get the best results avoid using these substances.
How is the Life Activation different from reiki?

Reiki is one of the most well-known forms of energy work on the planet. Genevieve also is trained as a reiki practitioner, and offers Ensofi Reiki sessions, in addition to many other healing services. Each modality has a specific purpose and works with the energy structure in a different way. 

The Life Activation turns on your DNA blueprint to awaken dormant aspects of your potential to be realized within your physical life. 

This is done through a specific protocol, like a recipe. This process goes beyond healing, and truly is designed to empower you to align more with your Spirit in your life. 

As a professional Guide and Healer, with extensive training and experience with many different tools, Genevieve is able to support clients in determining which session will best support them depending on their unique experience and goals. 

Schedule a free consultation with Genevieve to discuss more and make a custom plan for your healing journey. 

Are there any recommended next steps?

If you are interested in exploring what else Genevieve has to offer, consider scheduling a free consultation to discuss your goals and come up with a custom plan.

The Empower Thyself initiation is a great next step for those desiring positive change and growth. This program gives you tools to work with to harness your energy, and the initiation at the end of the program expands your energy structure to hold 10x more light. The Life Activation session is a prerequisite to this 2-day class, as it provides fertile ground to better integrate the light in your life.

While not required, there are a couple sessions that build on the Life Activation session and, if you choose to receive them, would need to be scheduled shortly after the Life Activation session:

  • Full Spirit Activation – this session builds on the Life Activation session to integrate more of the soul body within your physical body. The soul functions as a communication system for your spirit. By integrating body, soul, and spirit this whole communication system is now fully operational so that you can have greater awareness of communication from spirit. This session includes an energy balancing working with the chakra system and Tree of Life, and an activation process to wake up the brain and connection to the chakras.TIMING: The Full Spirit Activation requires having received the Life Activation within 3 months prior. If it has been more than 3 months, you can repeat the Life Activation session before receiving the Full Spirit Activation.
  • Life Purpose Reading – the Life Purpose Reading works with 1 of the 12 points activated during the DNA Activation to share more information about your divine blueprint. This includes information on your gifts, how your mind works, and your purpose.TIMING: This session is best done between 2-4 weeks after receiving the Life Activation.

Activate your potential

Genevieve Wachutka is a certified Life Activation practitioner, and professional Guide and Healer with the Modern Mystery School.

As a self-mastery specialist, Genevieve can help you stop spinning your wheels in pursuit of meaningful growth. With a holistic approach and time-tested tools, Genevieve not only helps you break through your stuck points and shine a light on where you’re stopping yourself, but gives you the keys to put the pedal to the metal on your path to excellence in all areas of your life.

To get started working with Genevieve, consider scheduling a free consultation to learn how these tools can make an impact in your life.  **Option to add-on a Life Activation for in-person consultations.


“I came across Genevieve’s website toward the end of June 2018 when I was in search of some kind of liberation from my pain. I was going through emotional suffering and hurt from my personal, professional and family life. At that point, I already tried other healing modalities and I would get temporary reliefs and then back to square one.

The first session I got from Genevieve was a Life Activation on July 1, 2017. It was extraordinary, magical and life changing event for me. I am writing this testimony on July 08, 2018 in exactly one year. My life has changed so much in every single area to a point it’s like the old me was a bad nightmare I don’t want to remember.

I also received the Full Spirit Activation two weeks after the Life activation and before I could have any other healing sessions I was able to secure a huge promotion for a position that resolved the financial challenging I was having. I stopped getting self-sabotaging thoughts, which were very rampant before we started working together. My bad eating habits shifted to healthy eating habits, and most importantly I gained self confidence in a way I could not imagine in a short period of time.

The following month I received the Empower Thyself initiation, and the transformational journey continued to unfold in miraculous ways.

Genevieve is very authentic and compassionate healer. Her intuitive skills are genuine and I am always impressed with her ability to know exactly what I need whenever I consult with her. Let me simply say, the work I have done with Genevieve has been the best gift I have ever given myself.”

Jacklyn C.

“I recently experienced the Life Activation and Full Spirit Activation with Genevieve and would highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for an energy restart. As someone who suffers from anxiety, these two activations helped me find a certain level of calm and clarity that I have not felt in a long time. The activations helped me find new creative and professional energy. They also helped me calm down enough to have a good night sleep.”

Kristine C.

“I first met Genevieve when I went to her for a “Life Activation” session.  While I had heard of energy work before, I had never experienced it personally.  I wasn’t even interested in energy work, but I was feeling really … stuck, in my life.  So for my birthday I treated myself to something different.

It has completely changed my life. It’s like my energy was being held back from me behind a dam. Genevieve found the keystone and the dam has been gradually disassembling ever since. I no longer feel like I’m blindly stumbling through life. I have found the path I want to travel and I now have the energy and courage to pursue my dreams.  

Don’t get me wrong, as much as I would love to proclaim Genevieve to be a miracle worker, most of the positive changes in my life are due to my own work and searching, but I know it would not have been possible without her help and continued support.

I don’t remember much about the Life Activation session itself, there’s really nothing to it for the participant. You just make yourself comfortable while Genevieve does the work.  

I did the Life Activation kind of on a whim and did not expect it to have such a significant and massive impact on my life. It’s possible that not everyone will have such significant results, but be aware that the Life Activation session can ultimately rock your world to the core.”

Melissa P.

“I was called to take Empower Thyself with Genevieve and am very grateful that I followed through with taking that action. 

The energy that came through for me was transformative and very powerful.  I left feeling directed and supported and had received tools to continue empowering myself throughout my life. 

At time of writing it has been a little over a month from receiving my initiation and the changes that have already started taking place in my life have been Magickal. 🙏

Matt T.

“I have always been interested in spirituality and the meaning of life. The Empower Thyself program gave me tools and knowledge to become an alchemist of my own progression. With simple daily rituals and information of the many beings of light that are by my side, this ancient lineage has opened my eyes to how I can live more as my higher self. I am eternally grateful to Genevieve for guiding me on my path.”

Nikolet J.

“Working with Genevieve has been one of the greatest gifts I have given myself over the past 2+ years. From Empower Thyself Program, regular 1v1 check-ins, guided meditations, and currently Kabbalah Program, Genevieve has been a constant light and source of wisdom and joy.

Her insatiable quest for knowledge of what King Solomon’s lineage has to offer and her ability to share and relay these teachings creates a space where one can truly dig into self-work and in a space free of judgement.

When I think of Genevieve, I think of community because I know and see what a pillar she is to those around her. FIVE STARS.”

Courtney L.

I highly recommend anyone to experience the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Initiation offered by Genevieve! I’ve personally experienced a major positive and lasting change after receiving these, as well as other healing sessions offered. And taking the classes offered has given me tools that work in everyday life. I’m grateful for the healing I’ve gone through, and excited for the path in front of me!”

Kevin K.

My experience at the Modern Mystery School has infused Joy & Light into my heart & soul! Through this lineage tradition, Genevieve Wachutka conveys powerful lessons to get rid of the negative Ego, step into the Light and walk the path to Self Mastery & Enlightenment.

I am forever grateful for receiving the keys to unlock the treasure within!”

Tom S.

“The Life Activation session I had with Genevieve last year has forever changed my life. Bringing clarity, an abundance of love, and what feels like the fast track to my spiritual growth. Her energy is so calm, centered, and sweet…Upon meeting her you’ll understand.”

Lydia Z.

“From the first time I met Genevieve I could tell she was the real deal! I am very much into deep energetic work but take my time with people to make sure I want to dive into that space with them. Even though I did have the privilege to spend some time getting to know her, from being a part of the Healing Elements Community as well as taking a Workshop with her, I had a really great feeling about her level of commitment and energy from the start- which only proved stronger and stronger as I got to know her. I finally felt the call too strong to deny to receive the Life Activation with her and it is something I will never regret.

During the actual session I had a very visceral experience during the energy balancing, which affirmed how strong her energy and connection with her work was! I chose to receive the work and not put too much pressure on the outcome and what I saw unfold in me was remarkable. Immediately for the next following days I felt a new presence and awareness within myself and body. I felt more like me than I had in a very long time!

The following month I discovered I had a new strength and confidence to finally carry through with deep truths and dreams and begin making moves to start creating a deeper and more meaningful reality for myself!!! I felt so intensely moved by this service I knew I needed to carry through and receive the Full Spirit Activation as well! For me the Life Activation and the response I had too it was just so much fun!!!

The Full Spirit activation has proved to be a little more work for me just bringing in some more substantial lessons, but I think it is a very personal journey and probably wouldn’t effect everybody this way… and it is what I asked to do!! Funny how that works! I highly recommend working with Genevieve with any of her services! She has a very strong and in tune energy that does not waver! I trust her completely and am very impressed by her connection to her work and the experience I have had since these sessions!”

Dawn S.

“I have received a Life Activation and a Full Spirit Activation from Genevieve and I can honestly say that these services have made a profound impact on my life. Immediately after the Life Activation I felt calm and clear and I walked away thinking, “that was pleasant”, but I know that the services had a lasting impact. I do not credit all of the change in my life that has occurred since first receiving the Life Activation fully to the service, but I believe that it acted as a springboard and has continued to give me strength to “follow my bliss” and make the tough decisions and changes that are required to create the life that I want to live. I continue to see Genevieve for tune-ups and other services. I feel it is one of the best things I can do for myself.”

Lauren A.

“Getting the Life Activation performed on me was one of the most calming experiences of my life.  I felt light and my mood was elevated.  Taking the time from the everyday hustle to truly relax and get myself re-aligned was so amazing, I hadn’t realized I needed it that bad.  When it was over, I left with this renewed sense of clarity about life and excitement about the future.”

Janna A.

“The Life Activation with Genevieve was miraculous. I felt deeply relaxed and calm at sessions end. A lightness, a brighter world, connection, energy. My senses seemed to come alive. Colors vivid and saturated. Lovely sounds. Lovely smells. I am more myself than I have been in months. I told my husband that he needed to experience this, the sooner the better.”
Nicole U.