About the Modern Mystery School

The Modern Mystery School is a community dedicated to growing towards their best self, and sharing an ancient path of spiritual tools to support them on the journey.
Through generations these tools have been handed down from teacher to student through an oral tradition. In 1997 the doors of this lineage opened, and these ancient tools were brought forward and made available to all people who desire to walk the path.
“Our school stands as a custodian of ancient wisdom and a proponent of a Culture of Light, promoting values that feed the soul and spirit such as godliness, empowerment to transform, understanding, goodness, unity, hope, kindness, merit, building one’s own worth (making yourself worthy) and self-exploration to Know Thyself through challenges, meditation and more.”
Many people go on to become Guides, Teachers, and Healers within this lineage tradition because of the results they experienced in their own lives. When you find something that works for you, it’s natural to want to share it.
As a result you can find practitioners offering the tools and training of this ancient lineage all over the world.
If you’re in Minnesota, you can work with me at the Modern Mystery School – Minneapolis / St. Paul office located in Edina, MN.
The International Headquarters for the Modern Mystery School is in Toronto Canada, and a select number of areas are home to regional headquarters where specialty classes and training are offered within the context of an International Modern Mystery School program. These include:
- MMS International – International Headquarters in Toronto, Canada
- MMS United Kingdom and Europe – Regional Headquarters in London
- MMS Brazil and South America – Regional Headquarters in Florianopolis, Brazil
- MMS South Africa – Regional Headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa
- MMS Ireland – Regional Headquarters in Derry, Ireland
- MMS Japan – Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan
In the USA we have several strong initiate communities anchored by regional centers, including:
- MMS Minneapolis / St. Paul
- MMS California
- MMS Boston
- MMS Texas
The Modern Mystery School is the current custodian of the Lineage of King Salomon, which has a direct traceable to the time of King Salomon 3,000 years ago.
However, the oral tradition goes back over 8000 years to the time of Hermes Trismegistus.
Many notable artists, leaders, and changemakers have walked a path of initiation, including: Leonardo Da Vinci, Joan of Arc, Socrates, Miyamoto Musashi, Carl Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Alice Bailey, Madame Blavatsky, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Winston Churchill and many more.
In 1997 Gudni Gudnason opened the doors of this ancient lineage, and is honored as “Founder Gudni” for the work he did to deliver the path of Initiation to the public.
He spent his formative years training within the closed door Mystery School in London, eventually becoming a Lineage Holder and key holder for this sacred tradition.
Through his work the lineage has grown into a diverse community of people from all walks of life, united by a Culture of Light, pursuing joy with a shared path of Spiritual tools and wisdom.
There are many leaders within the Modern Mystery School, but a special recognition is given to several individuals who have dedicated their life’s work to maintaining these tools.
These leaders work tirelessly to ensure the integrity of the lineage. Through dedicated work and effort thousands of people have benefited from this very special path.
Click the links below for more information on the team carrying the torch forward to deliver the keys and tools of this sacred lineage:
The Lineage Holders
Governing Ipsissimas:
- Ipsissima Divina Franca Lanyon – Ipsissimus of Alchemy
- Ipsissima Divina Theresa Bullard-Whyke, Ipsissimus of Kabbalah
- Ipsissima Divina Luisa Nakagome, Ipsissimus of Shamanism
- Ipsissima Divina Eiko Gudnason, Ipsissimus of the Royal Way
- Ipsissima Divina Tsukiko Kimura, Ipsissimus of the Ensofic Ray
- Ipsissima Azusa Yoda, Grand Oracle
- Honorary Ipsissima Sandra Reed
Click here to read more about the Governing Ipsissimas
Council of 12
- Ipsissima Eiko Gudnason
- Ipsissima Luisa Nakagome
- Ipsissima Tsukiko Kimura
- Divina Maiko Machiya
- Divina Sincere Rohi (Hiroko Ito)
- Divina Hitomi Shibuya
- Ipsissima Franca Lanyon
- Ipsissima Theresa Bullard-Whyke
- Divina Kate Bartram-Brown
- Divina Rita van den Berg
- Divina Liza Rossi
- Divina Ann Donnelly
In addition to those already listed, there are several other Master Teachers and International Instructors serving communities all over the world and handing down specialized tools and teachings within the lineage:
- Ambassador Eric Thompson
- Verla Wade
- Martina Coogan
- Kathleen Lanyon
- Christina Mars
- Erin Wallace
- Jordan Bain
- Peter Lozano
- Sylwester Organka
- Aleksandra Ceho
- Flavio Gracile
- Julia Tiffin
- Yoko Maria Tsukada
The recommended place to start is to find a Guide near you who you can work with.
A Guide is someone who has walked further on the path of Initiation and can help to shine a light for you to navigate the path for yourself.
No, the Modern Mystery School is not a religion, or belief system.
Studying with the Modern Mystery School gives you tools and teachings you can apply in your life.
Teachers encourage students not to just take the teachings at face value, but to apply them in their lives, test them out, and assess them based on the results. There is a Kabbalistic expression “by the fruits (results) you shall know.”
Many people experience good fruits, and so they continue to use the tools and seek out more knowledge and understanding by walking the path.
Initiation is a tool for anchoring spiritual energy into the physical. It gives you a foundation of Light (high frequency, Spiritual energy) to stand on in your life.
When the Light integrates into your physical life, it’s like turning a light on in your awareness.
You begin to see more. You have more clarity. Things you used to ignore, now you can’t ignore them. You have to deal with them.
It catalyzes change and growth in your life.
The Path of Initiation gives you stepping stones to integrating the Light, to continue to grow and come to Know Thyself as God.
It starts with serving yourself, and getting your own foundation strong. Your emotional state, your physical wellbeing, mental, spiritual, financial, relationships – all of these things are in your hands. No one else can “fix it” for you.
Walking a path of empowerment gives you tools to improve your life, and if you desire, tools you can share with others so they can improve their life.
When you find something that has worked for you, it’s natural to want to share it with others. It’s not about being perfect, but at some point it shifts from I want to do this for me, to I want to be able to help others with their lives.
But you can’t give what you don’t have, so it’s up to you to start doing the work for yourself first.
Check out this docu-series featuring real students walking this path, and learn how real magick unfolds in the lives of initiates.