763-222-8600 [email protected]

Recommended Place to Start:

Life Activation

When we address all of the elements of a human being (body, soul, and spirit) we can create a shift on a deeper level to facilitate physical, emotional, and mental well-being. The Life Activation is an ancient tool for activating your unique spiritual blueprint within the DNA. This session includes a full energy balancing and DNA activation for healing, connection to self, and a fertile foundation for shifting patterns and new possibilities.

Full Spirit Activation

The soul body is part of our physical structure, and is the go-between communication mechanism for our spirit and our conscious mind. This session increases this connection by working with the brain to increase our conscious awareness and the chakra system. The chakras bind the soul body to the physical body, and support this connection. This session increases our awareness, and enhances the communication mechanism for us to have greater insight, clarity, and sense of purpose.

*Pre-requisite: Life Activation Session – to be completed within 3 months of the Life Activation session

90min session
Investment: $250

Ensofic Ray 3-Session series

This healing modality is the complete reiki system as it was originally intended. It’s a powerful tool for re-aligning body, soul, spirit, supporting deep healing on all levels. It’s recommended for imbalances that result in any mental, emotional or physical manifestation of disease.

This modality is completed in a 3-part series.

  • In the first session we address stagnation and imbalances within the physical body, flowing this powerful ray of energy throughout the body to re-align and address the root cause of the illness.
  • The second session continues the process of alignment and healing, and additionally places symbols within the energy field to transform the physical body’s ability to maintain the light energy.
  • The third session is customized for each client, choosing to focus on a personalized theme, for either physical, emotional, or mental healing.

EnSofic Ray can support you to:

  • Address the energetic foundation responsible for the manifestation of disease
  • Align with your original blueprint and release old wounds contributing to negative behaviors / patterns
  • Increase consciousness of spiritual energies helping you to connect to your divine potential
  • Restore a connection to the unity within and without

3-session series (90min sessions)
Investment: $650 package price

Aura Healing

The aura is part of our energy field, with the “working aura” extending about 9 feet from the physical body and comprised of 7 layers of energy. The state of our aura is affected by our emotions, substances we consume, and the environment. When we experience strong negative emotions, or consume toxins, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, etc. holes form in the aura, allowing our energy to leak out, and making us more accessible to outside energies that may affect our emotional state.

Specialized Aura Healing sessions:

  • AURA REPAIR: To find and repair holes that have formed within the aura to improve the integrity of the energetic body.
  • SHAMANIC AURA CLEANSE: To cleanse the aura from outside energies (other people’s emotions etc.) that are affecting you.
  • EGYPTIAN AURA REBALANCING: To clear and re-balance the 7 layers of the aura to assist with emotional processing and releasing the emotions held within your aura so you can more fully let them go.

90min session
Investment: $250

Gemstone & Crystal Healing

The gemstone and crystal healing modalities are a great go-to session to build into your annual maintainance plan for your energy body and overall wellbeing. Each of these sessions are recommended in a 3-session series for best results.

GEMSTONE HEALING: For relaxation, stress relief, physical & emotional healing, improving libido, passion, and empowerment.

CRYSTAL HEALING RITES: To heal and resolve trauma, both in the distant past or current, and also to bring in good fortune for the future.

90min session
Investmestment: $250

    Hermetic Soul Retrieval

    Throughout the trials of life, as we experience stress, disappointments, and through own limiting belief structures, pieces of the soul body will fragment and disconnect. This can result in feeling not quite whole and less in touch with our own passion and life force energy. In this hermetic soul retrieval session, we will gather and restore missing soul fragments, restoring wholeness and a greater sense of self.

    This gentle process of Hermetic Soul Retrieval draws on the hermetic and shamanic roots of the lineage, working with the energies of the moon to facilitate healing and re-integration as a result of stress, trauma, or shock.

    90min session
    Investment: $250

    Fire Soul Infusion

    A Sacred Geometry healing session, this activation assists in opening the mind to think larger than it is currently. Working with the element of Fire within the soul body, this session assists with recognizing the desires of the Soul. It assists with the process of creation and expanding the mind to more effectively create in your life.

    Benefits include:

    • Energy to move forward in life
    • Sparking joy, passion, and creativity
    • Overcoming inertia
    • Receive potential from higher dimensions
    • Remembering who you are and your divine nature
    • Greater awareness and perception

    *Prerequisite: Life Activation Session

    90min session
    Investment: $250

    Core Will Infusion

    A Sacred Geometry healing session, this activation supports aligning your core will with the Will of God, the Will to do Good, and come into greater alignment with the Divine within you. Assists with coming into greater balance and having greater clarity and purpose.

    Benefits include:

    • Feel more in touch with your Spirit
    • Experience greater reverence for life
    • Greater clarity and sense of purpose in life
    • Overcome obstacles and see challenges from a higher perspective
    • Strengthen dedication to overcome resistance

    *Prerequisite: Life Activation Session

    90mi session
    Investment: $250

    Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Tube of Light 

    A Sacred Geometry healing session, this session places an intergalactic shield of protection around the body, and supports shifting into a higher perspective and letting go of attachments.

    *Prerequisite: Life Activation Session

    90min session
    Investment: $250

    Etheric Reconstruction

    Etheric Reconstruction works with the layer of energy nearest the physical body known as etheric energy. This is where the blueprints for physical manifestation exist. All illness passes through the etheric field before manifesting in the physical body. With this session we remove blockages and heal distortions within the etheric energy body.

    • Address core issues and obstructions that keep you stuck in negative patterns
    • Shift negative mental anxiety
    • Support healing from chronic and acute physical illness
    • Integrate self-healing work at a deeper level by removing the etheric residue of processed emotions

    120min session
    Investment: $395

    Goddess Isis Healing

    Using the energies of the Gods and Goddesses Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut, this modality causes a death and rebirth of the emotional body which in turn creates a revitalized mental and physical state of being. As a result of this realignment, people often experience having more available energy, more usage of the brain capacity and more vitality for everyday life.

      90min session
      Investment: $250

      Ra Healing

      By accessing the ray of Ra, this modality uses the source energy of creation to clear out your aura of unwanted lower vibrations that do not serve your best interest. It heals as it purifies your personal energy field, restoring its capacity to contain Light. The Ra healing places you in a protective seal which acts like a buffer between you and undesirable negative energies. You will feel lighter, refreshed and revitalized.

      90min session
      Investment: $250

        Celtic Merlin Healing

        A shamanic healing working with the Triple Goddess energy, Mother Earth and beings of Light to cleanse the soul body and restore balance and greater vitality.

        90min session
        Investment: $250

        Energy Clearing 

        When you feel like you’re experiencing other people’s emotions, feeling “off” or weighted down, a personal clearing is a great tool to shift the energy and release any emotions or energies that are not your own.

        This service includes:

        • Negative Spell Removal
        • Emotional Cord Cutting
        • Purification by Light 

        For more tools and resources, the Empower Thyself program teaches ancient lineage tools you can use to protect your energy body from outside influences, how to shift your energy, and the initiation at the end of the program anchors greater protection and light for you to maintain your sparkling energy body.

        45min session
        Investment: $150

          Intuitive Crystal Reading 

          We work with twin crystals which have grown from the same cluster, receiving guidance from your Guides and other Beings of Light to address questions you may have about the past, present, or future. You have the knowledge within you, but sometimes we don’t see our own stuck-points. A reading may affirm information you already know is true, but perhaps have pushed aside or haven’t fully realized. You may also receive a new perspective to bring clarity to a situation.

          60min session
          Investment: $150

          Purpose of Life Reading 

          The Life Purpose reading is focused on tapping into your spiritual blueprint within your etheric structure to gain information to support you on your life path. We can review past emanations that have prepared you for your mission here on earth, and gain insight into strengths and weaknesses.

            Through this process we can gain information to support you in moving forward with your life’s work to bring greater alignment with who you are and what you are here to do. 

            60min session
            Investment: $150

            Spiritual Drug Detox  

            The Spiritual Drug Detox program is a 10-session series to address addiction on a holistic level. Advanced energy healing techniques support those who have experienced substance abuse. This program addresses wounds and triggers that are perpetuating the cycle of addiction, healing etheric damage caused by drugs and alcohol, and repairing etheric structures that amplify addictive tendencies.

            This modality addresses and heals the various energy systems we have as humans:

            • Past Life Emanations
            • Magnetic imbalance
            • Physical trauma
            • Emotional trauma and heart healing
            • Soul trauma and healing of the pituitary and pineal glands
            • Spirit trauma and restoring divine essence

            This series is especially helpful for resolving damage from past drug use or exposure, including medications and recreational drug use, that continues to affect the energy body and flow of energy.

            10-session series to be completed within 6 months

            90min session
            Investment: $300 per session

            Baby Blessing

            The ancient art of the lineage baby blessing was traditionally performed by mid-wives at the time of birth, welcoming the child into the world and providing protection for the spiritual being as they come into this physical world.

            This blessing is an extremely sacred process, similar to an adult choosing to receive the Empower Thyself initiation, this is a gift a parent can choose for their child, to provide a strong connection with the light as they begin this being begins their journey on earth within the physical body.

            The blessing will stay with the child throughout their life, supporting the child in maintaining their awareness of who they are as spiritual beings, and limiting the effect of amplification of negative energy from the world.

            Contact Genevieve for a consultation*


            Modern Mystery School – Minneapolis Healing – Energy Healing in Minneapolis –
            Healing Sessions Minneapolis