763-222-8600 [email protected]

Getting Fired Up

As humans we’re not very logical. We may think we are, but if you look at the way people operate, we’re driven by emotions far more than we care to admit. For example, how much energy do we put into avoiding the very things we know will make our lives better? Avoid,...
Getting Out of Your Own Way

Getting Out of Your Own Way

I believe if you want to be effective in reaching your goals, living a life of joy, and experiencing your greatest potential, the most challenging roadblocks are the ones we put up for ourselves. The obstacles the world throws at us are much easier to navigate when we...
Power of a Morning Routine

Power of a Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine that serves you? This is very current for me, as I’ve been re-building my morning routine since my daughter Margo was born last August. Having a baby up-ended my routines, but I know how powerful a morning routine is so I’ve...
Personal Update: I had a baby!

Personal Update: I had a baby!

I’d like to share some personal news: I had a baby! 🙂 It was one of the greatest initiations of my life when my daughter Margo came into the world. Becoming a mom is one of those things – “you don’t know what you don’t know,” and...
The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

 Recently I was struck by a memory from my 8th grade year. My teacher was giving an impassioned speech to a room of distracted 13-14 year olds, attempting to drive home the idea that the course of our lives was not something to take for granted. It was not something...