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Is the Modern Mystery School a Cult?

Is the Modern Mystery School a Cult?

I’ve shared about my experience with the Modern Mystery School over the last 10 years as I’ve walked a spiritual path specializing in empowerment and tools for life as spiritual beings having a physical experience. Recently a tabloid-like article was...
The Key to Dealing with Transition

The Key to Dealing with Transition

This month as we transition from summer into fall, I’ve been reflecting on the nature of change. I love the experience of each season, and I’m always excited for the next phase on the turning of the wheel, and yet, there always seems to be some turbulence...
The Path of Self Mastery

The Path of Self Mastery

In the Mystery School we teach that you, me (all of us), are infinite spiritual beings. There is more so much more to us than our physical bodies. Yet we so often identify ourselves as our physical bodies, and with that comes limitation. We define who we are by our...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

I love good stories. I love reading poems that ignite my heart and soul. The power of words inspire moments of clarity and fiery feelings, but eventually the words fade and the subconscious buzz of my own mind takes over. However, more potent than any of the words you...
Navigating Beyond the Comfort Zone

Navigating Beyond the Comfort Zone

Real growth happens outside of the comfort zone. Beyond that horizon of routine is where we find the spice of life, the real magick that makes life worth living. Outside the comfort zone is where you may: Ask the person you like out on a date, or say “I love...