The Temple of Being: 432hz Sound Healing Experience
My goal with producing the Temple of Being event was to create a window for the audience to shift into a greater awareness of self. To connect with the essence within, and attune to the experience of living as an infinite spiritual being. We often identify with our...
The Path of Self Mastery
In the Mystery School we teach that you, me (all of us), are infinite spiritual beings. There is more so much more to us than our physical bodies. Yet we so often identify ourselves as our physical bodies, and with that comes limitation. We define who we are by our...
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
I love good stories. I love reading poems that ignite my heart and soul. The power of words inspire moments of clarity and fiery feelings, but eventually the words fade and the subconscious buzz of my own mind takes over. However, more potent than any of the words you...
Navigating Beyond the Comfort Zone
Real growth happens outside of the comfort zone. Beyond that horizon of routine is where we find the spice of life, the real magick that makes life worth living. Outside the comfort zone is where you may: Ask the person you like out on a date, or say "I love you" for...
Working with an Altar
Working with an altar can be a very supportive way to connect to your personal spiritual practice. It is both a tool and a source of creative expression. When you create an altar, you create a space for a tangible, physical representation of spiritual energies.
The following are some tips to support you in building and working with your altar:

Genevieve Wachutka
Knowing there was more to discover and feeling restless until I found it – I stumbled onto the Path of Initiation and began a journey into the metaphysical teachings of the Modern Mystery School for healing, empowerment, and transformation.